We have partnered with very reliable and robust delivery partners, and we will work hard to hand over your products to you as fast as we can, and in perfect condition.

After your order is confirmed by us, we will take 7-10 business days to deliver the orders within India and 10-15 business days to deliver international orders. In case of any unforeseen roadblock, we will inform you immediately, and do our best to expedite the delivery.

If you want a specific size(s) tailored, do write to us before placing your order to check the feasibility. If we can fulfil your customized requirement, we may take a few extra days to deliver your customized order after it is confirmed on the website. Our goal is to deliver your products well within time, and we will stay in touch with you throughout the process.

If you need an order delivered by a particular date, please write to our customer service on before ordering to check the feasibility.